Sunday, October 14, 2007

EDM Challenge #133: Peach

I wasn't even looking for it; but, this 'peach' stand fell in my lap when I was looking at a wonderful portfolio of photographs on Flickr by Stephanie Fysh (Lu) from Toronto. Being right up my alley and the perfect subject for this EDM challenge, I couldn't resist the attempt to draw it.


studiokane said...


Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog. I really like your people. I can tell that you enjoy people's characters very much. The giant peach is cool too!

Teri said...

Oh what fun!!! love it!

Serena Lewis said...

OH, I love this one!!! Another great take on a challenge, Rah ~ :)

Sketchalina said...

Hello Rah,
Thanks for stopping by my giant peach. Is it famous you ask? Not really, it's more a curiousity than a landmark. It's overshadowed here by the lakes and vineyards, a quirky little sister if you will.
It had it's day in the sun though, as you may have read, being rolled into the lake during the riot we had here during Peachfest many years ago. Made the national news. Must have been a slow news day in the world.